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Sessions trained April 2021

Here is the list on members who trained last month.

Well done Michele!!

Who will be top for May!

Michele E 11
Victoria K 10
Sonny E 9
Imogen C 9
Steve C 9
Jim F 9
Josh C 8
Pati H 7
Max D 6
Nikta A 4
Arvishke A 4
Riley B 4
Arvind A 4
Priya A 4
Scarlett D 3
Freddie F 3
Hope W 3
Lucy L 2
Maya G 2
Vivi S 2
Kate S 2
Leo H 2
Zach S 2
Paul S 2
Dorian G 2
Kate W 1
Andrew D 1
Paul W 1
Kester B 1
Jennie L 1
Clara L 1
Mark S 1

Grading and Training

Great start to the outdoor classes last week in Westminster Park.

I am looking at organising a grading fairly soon for those that are ready. Ideally training at least twice a week is the best way to prepare. Three times is even better, note if you have trained twice in a week the third class is free! Class timetable is here.

We do keep training records, you can log on to the system here  to see how you are doing. Check out the grading review option.

Younger members often take longer to become ready for grading. To provide additional motivation we have a Karate Tigers program where youngsters can work towards the grading at their own pace. There is no charge for this. This program has been suspended for a year now, but we are planning to reinstate it soon. You can find out more here.

We are always looking for new members. If you know anyone who may like to try karate, please let me know. If they join, and get their license we will let you have 3 free lessons!!

Looking forward to this week’s classes.

New classes

We have been training online using Zoom for a long time now, but in the next few weeks we can start back to normal training.

Starting this Wednesday we will be doing outdoor classes (weather permitting). Looks like good weather for this week.

From April the 12th we can do indoor classes for juniors. The plan is to continue with the outdoor classes so children and adults can train together, but if the weather is bad we will have an indoor class for juniors only.

From May the 17th we are hoping that we can have normal training for all ages.

Class time table is here.

New beginners

We welcome new beginners. Please contact us for more information

You can find out more about karate on our about page.


Xmas message

Well what a year we have had! I am pleased that you have been training throughout in the dojo, outdoor classes and of course online with Zoom, given the current difficulties.

I have been pleased with the efforts you have put in both in training and gradings.

I hope you all have a great Xmas and looking forward to some sort of normality in the coming new year.

So eat drink and be merry and we can work it all off in the dojo!!


Dave Craggs

Online booking system

Given we have to restrict numbers in classes, we have implemented an online booking system.

Check it out here: Booking System

I have added sessions for Westminster Park Community Centre and the Zoom class.

Please note – you can still come along to classes without booking, but if numbers are over twelve you may not be able to train.

Note the classes have a price set at £5, ignore this, normal fees apply.

At some stage I may have to start charging a small amount for the Zoom class to cover costs.



Grading results October 2020

Well done to all who graded last night in Westminster Park with Sensei Jimmy Brennan. Special congratulation to Pelham Aldrich who double graded and Victoria Kolodziejska and Pati Holowacz who both graded to brown belt.

Also well done to Paul Winstanley and Sophia Sullivan from Vicars Cross, both gave a very strong performance.

Pre grading class was limited to twelve and everyone trained hard.

The grading was followed by an intense black belt session.

Looking forward to the next one.

Grading and Training October 2020

Sensei Jimmy Brennan will be visiting Westminster Park on Saturday the 10th of October at the community centre. This will be for a small grading and training.

Pre grading class will be 4:30-5:30. There are some spaces for those not grading, The grading will take place straight afterwards. The senior class for brown and black belts will follow on after the grading.

Classes will be limited to twelve people, so booking is required. KUGB guests welcome, although priority will be given to club members.

Gradings will be for those that have put in the required sessions and are at the standard needed to pass. See the FAQ (How often can I grade) for more information.

Please let me know if you wish to come. Training will be £5 per person with an additional £10 for those grading. Classes will be in the afternoon, times to be finalised later.

Dave Craggs

Grading 21st August 2020

The grading at Vicars Cross last night went very well.

Pre grading training was taken by Keith Limbert and Dave Craggs with the assistance of Kim Wilkinson from Aaisatsu. It was interesting training in the rain! The grading was done inside in groups of four, Sensei Sherry was very pleased with everyone’s performance.

Congratulations to all who graded.

Westminster Park

Michele Egan-Wilkinson
Steve Carway
Josh Carway
Imogen Carway
Zach Sinclair
Paul Sinclair

Vicars Cross

Erin McKay
Alex Bordley
Issy Fabby
Donna Cockayne
Niele PeraltaBezerra
Jason Bordley

Wirral West Kirby

Emma Limbert



Westminster Park Classes

The two classes at Westminster Park worked well last night. Both were outside, but we came in for the last 15 minutes of the last class. It was strange being back in the dojo and it did seem smaller.

I will continue with the two classes,  This will allow more room when we need to go inside, plus 6:30 can be late for some youngsters. Both classes will be all grades, but the emphasis on the first class will be on the lower grades. If anyone wants to assist in teaching, please let me know, we are getting new members and it does help if I can split them off.